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6 Effective Acupressure Points for Back Pain Relief


In the intricate tapestry of life, back pain can emerge as a formidable adversary fueled by factors ranging from the sands of time to the burdens we carry – both figuratively and literally. Whether it's the passage of years, the weight of responsibilities, the subtle erosion of posture, or the scars left by injuries, the echoes of discomfort can reverberate through our lives. Yet, amidst this symphony of challenges, a timeless solution beckons – the art of acupressure. 

This blog delves into acupressure's age-old wisdom, exploring its potential to soothe and liberate. Traverse the crossroads of ancient techniques and contemporary understanding as we illuminate the path to a life less burdened by back pain.

Your Ultimate Guide to Easing Back Pain Through Acupressure

Many individuals turn to alternative therapies that offer natural and non-invasive solutions when seeking relief from the persistent discomfort of back pain. Acupressure, an ancient healing technique rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), has gained significant attention for its ability to alleviate back pain by targeting specific pressure points on the body. In this comprehensive guide, we delve deep into the world of acupressure and unveil some highly effective acupressure points that can provide much-needed relief from back pain.

The Holistic Approach to Back Pain Management

Acupressure uses manual pressure to promote holistic healing by applying pressure to specific points on the body. These acupoints are believed to be connected to energy pathways, or "meridians," which facilitate the flow of vital life force energy, known as "Qi" (pronounced Chee). By stimulating these acupoints, practitioners aim to restore balance and promote the body's innate healing abilities.

How Acupressure Can Relieve Back Pain

Back pain often arises due to factors such as muscle tension, poor posture, or even stress. Acupressure targets the underlying imbalances contributing to pain, promoting relaxation, improving blood circulation, and releasing muscular tension. This holistic approach can lead to long-term relief and improved overall well-being.

What Conditions Does Acupressure Treat

Acupressure is used to treat a wide range of conditions, including- 

  • Headaches 
  • Morning sickness
  • Acute and chronic psychological/emotional stress
  • Nausea
  • Addiction recovery 
  • Learning disorders 
  • Skin conditions
  • Immune system deficiencies 
  • Musculoskeletal conditions and more.

Treating these conditions requires a skilled and certified massage therapist. In addition, it is essential to know that acupressure may not be the best solution for pregnant individuals and those with high blood pressure. 

6 Most Effective Healing Acupressure Points for Back Pain

Stomach point

The CV 6 (Conception Vessel 6) is an effective acupressure point for lower back pain relief. This point is located right under the navel (belly button) and is known as the sea of energy. 

To locate CV 6, hold your index, middle, and ring finger together and place it right below your navel. The region where the ring finger is placed is your stomach point. Applying firm pressure on the stomach point for 1 minute within intervals of 10 minutes helps strengthen the lower back and abdominal muscles. For elders, pregnant individuals, and those with gastric issues, gentle pressure is applied using the palm's base. 

Lower back point

Pressure points along the spine, especially the lower back points (Sea of vitality), significantly reduce upper and lower back pain and fatigue. The points (B-23 and B-47) are located at the waist level, between the second and third lumbar vertebrae. 

As you take a deep breath, even pressure is applied to both points of the back. During the exhale, pressure is slowly increased. When you reach your pain threshold, pressure is gradually reduced. Towards the end, steady pressure is applied for a minute, and the cycle is repeated. If you have a weak back, the professional will avoid using any pressure on the acupressure for back pain.

Hipbone Points

The hipbone points (B 48 and GB 30), also known as the Womb and Vitals, significantly resolve hip and pelvic issues contributing to back and leg pain. They are located between the top of the hip bones and the base of the buttocks. The right and left halves of B 48 and GB 30 are the outer sacrums at the bottom of the spine. 

Once the hipbone points are located, the professional presses down and inward toward the center of the pelvis. It is gradually reduced after maintaining firm and steady pressure for 5 minutes. 

Knee back points

The knee back points (B 53 and 54) are called Commanding Middle. Applying pressure to such points reduces stiffness in the back, knee pain, arthritis pain, and sciatica. These points lie in the middle of the back of the kneecap. You can locate the exact point by standing erect and applying firm pressure with your index finger in the hollow region behind the knee. 

The professional applies steady pressure on these points for 30 seconds, taking regular breaks between sessions. Depending on the severity of the condition and your progress, the general duration of the procedure ranges from 10-15 minutes. 

Hand points

There are multiple acupressure points on your palm and hand. Acupressure points for back pain in the hands are applying pressure to such points helps reduce pain and stiffness in the neck and back. The main acupressure point on your hand (LI 4) is located between the fleshy web of the thumb and the index finger. Another commonly used acupressure for back pain in your hands is TE 3. This is located at the back of the hand, between the ring finger and pinky. 

The professional starts by applying even pressure for ten counts and releasing it for another five counts. This process is repeated at least three times for instant pain relief. On these points, practicing self-acupressure for lower back pain promotes the flow of endorphins and serotonin, which further help reduce pain and improve overall well-being. 

Elbow point

The elbow point (LU 5) is also called the Cubit Marsh. It is located in the middle of your elbow crease. The acupressure point is precisely found by moving four finger spaces from the elbow bone. Applying pressure to this point reduces stiffness, pain, and spasms. It also relieves chronic lower back pain, tennis elbow, and tendonitis.

Using your left thumb, locate the acupressure point on your right elbow. Apply firm pressure for about 30 seconds and repeat the process 3-4 times. 

How to Apply Acupressure for Back Pain Relief

To maximize the benefits of acupressure, follow these steps:

  • Prepare: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can relax. Sit or lie down in a relaxed position.
  • Locate the Acupoint: Use the above descriptions to locate the acupoints you wish to stimulate accurately.
  • Apply Pressure: Use your fingertips or thumbs to apply gentle and steady pressure to the acupoint. You should feel a slight sensation but no pain.
  • Circular Motion: Begin massaging the acupoint in a circular motion. Try gently rocking your finger or thumb back and forth.
  • Breathe and Relax: Take slow, deep breaths as you continue to apply pressure. Focus on releasing tension with each exhale.
  • Duration: Aim to apply pressure for about 1 to 2 minutes on each acupoint. You can repeat the process as needed throughout the day.

Remember, acupressure is a gradual process, and consistent practice can yield the best results. If you have a pre-existing medical condition or are pregnant, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional before attempting acupressure.

Embrace Wellness Through Acupressure and Reclaim Your Life with Physiotattva

Incorporate acupressure into your back pain management routine for holistic well-being. Alongside acupressure, maintain a healthy lifestyle with exercise, posture, and stress reduction techniques. Nurture your body, address root causes, and experience lasting relief and improved quality of life.

Using acupressure, Physiotattva aims to relieve symptoms of spine-related issues and improve the quality of your life through acupressure for back pain. Our team of experts provides services through outpatient consultations and home visits. 

Don't let back pain dictate your life. With multiple physiotherapy centers spanning two cities, our professional support is within your reach. 

Get started now on your journey to holistic well-being. With acupressure as your ally and our specialized services at your fingertips, say goodbye to back pain and embrace a life filled with comfort, vitality, and joy. The path to relief starts with a simple step – take action and change your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can acupressure help with lower back pain?

Acupressure on various points, including the lower back, hip bone, and the back of the knee, effectively reduces lower back pain. Acupressure points for back pain in the hands will help to relieve pain.

Which is the acupressure point for back pain?

The acupressure points for back pain include the hip bone points (B48 and GB 30), knee back points (B 53 and 54), stomach points (CV 6), lower back points (B 23 and B 47), etc.

How soon can I expect relief from back pain through acupressure? 

The duration of relief may vary from person to person, but consistent practice of acupressure can lead to gradual improvement over time.

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