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Back Pain During Pregnancy: Causes and Treatment

Back pain is one of the most common problems during pregnancy. About 50 percent of people who are pregnant go through back pain. In most cases, it is common and can be managed with simple exercises, lifestyle changes, and other forms of therapy.

What You Should Know About Back Pain in Pregnancy

Back pain occurs across the terms of pregnancy and may vary with intensity as the pregnancy progresses. Since the individual is going through a series of bodily changes accommodating the fetus, it can cause undue stress on the lower back and the spine - resulting in pain. Left or right back pain during pregnancy occurs mainly in the pelvic region.

Pregnancy can be a difficult time physically and emotionally. It is therefore essential to understand the causes and treatment plans for right or left side back pain during pregnancy to make the process easy and bearable.

Causes of Back Pain in Pregnancy

Back pain is a common problem during pregnancy. However, the reasons for the same can be several. Can manage some pains with simple exercise and routines; some may need medical intervention from doctors, physiotherapists, and chiropractors. 

Listed below are some of the most common causes of lower back pain in pregnancy.

Hormonal Changes

In most cases, the level of progesterone - a vital hormone in the process of pregnancy can increase, leading to relaxation of the spine and pelvis. This can create flexibility issues and cause pain as the body is more relaxed.

In some cases, the body may also produce relaxin, a hormone that causes the muscles and the bones to relax, resulting in pain in power back.

Other medical conditions can also have an impact on hormones and result in pain.


Stress can be a critical factor in back pain during pregnancy. Stress can hurt physical and emotional well-being, resulting in headaches, fatigue, and body pain. This can result in muscle stiffness in the lower back, resulting in back pain during pregnancy.

Leaning Backwards

Posture plays a vital role in helping reduce back pain. Improper posture, such as leaning back, sitting uncomfortably, and leaning over furniture, can cause stress on the lower back, spine, and muscles. This can result in pain as there is stress on the region. Leaning backward can also result in compression in the pelvis region, aggravating lower back pain.

Weight Gain

Pregnancy can be a difficult time to manage weight gain and loss. With hormonal changes, the body may begin to gain weight, causing stress on the lower back and the muscles. As the fetus grows, it adds stress to the lower back, blood vessels, and pelvis bones.

Muscle Separation

There are possibilities where the muscle separation from the rib to the lower back may occur, resulting in back pain as there is stress on the muscles and the spinal cord in the lower back region. This can cause muscle stiffness that reduces movement, causing more pain.

Treatments of Back Pain in Pregnancy

Can manage back pain in pregnancy with several treatment plans. Understanding the cause of the problem is essential as it allows for a more accurate diagnosis and a treatment plan. While most of the pain can be managed with rest, exercise, and physiotherapy, some can be managed with medical interventions.

Improve Your Posture

One of the most common treatment plans is to ensure that the individual improves their posture. They must be mindful of workplace comfort, domestic work reduction, and other physical labor areas. This will allow them to ensure that there is no stress on the lower back and help reduce pain.

Sleep on Your Side

Sleeping on the side can help reduce the stress on the lower back and improve blood circulation to the pelvis. This also reduces the weight of the fetus from the spine and can help reduce stress on the bones and lower back muscles. It also reduces the risk of compression of nerves in the region and can improve strength in the back, pelvis, and even the legs.

Exercise Regularly

It is also essential to ensure that the body does not become stiff and inflexible. It is vital to engage in simple exercises such as stretching, yoga, and other forms of exercise that will maintain muscle and bone strength and help the back region manage stress and weight.

Wear the Right Gears

Wearing belts that help reduce stress on the back can help distribute the pressure. Wearing the right gear can help improve posture and reduce pain. It is essential to wear comfortable footwear, pants, and loose, breathable tops.

It is also important to find comfortable chairs and seating arrangements as well to help in treating upper back pain during pregnancy.

Lift Properly

 While engaging in activities such as lifting, it is essential to distribute the weight across the body. This can be made possible by squatting while picking things up. It is also important not to engage in lifting heavy objects such as water cans, furniture, bikes, and even cylinders. This can cause undue stress on the lower muscles of the back and worsen the condition.

Try Heat & Cold Method

The heat and cold method are efficient for managing pain and swelling in the lower back. Heat can be applied gently to the regions and allow better blood circulation, improving muscle health in the region. Cold therapy can help reduce cell damage, prevent inflammation and provide relief. Alternating it along with rest can be an effective treatment plan.

Give a Try to Complementary Therapies

While the treatment mentioned above can be effective based on the individual's needs, some options can be explored in physiotherapy and other methods.

Studies have shown that acupuncture may help the individual relieve pain in the region. It can also help improve blood circulation. Chiropractic treatments are other options that can be explored and help relieve pressure in some individuals. It can reduce joint stress, improve blood flow and allow flexibility of joints.

It is essential to consult the medical professional to understand if these are feasible options. Understanding what treatment plan works best depends on the individual's conditions is necessary.

Know When to See a Doctor

Although back pain is joint during pregnancy, it cannot be ignored or neglected. If the pain persists for more than a week and does not get better, it could have a medical complication, and it is advisable to visit a doctor as soon as possible. Severe back pain and difficulty in urination can also be signs of medical attention.

It is important to regularly consult a doctor to ensure that there are no complications during pregnancy and post-pregnancy.

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