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Thoracic Spondylosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Thoracic spondylosis is a condition where the middle section of the spinal cord begins to degenerate. It occurs when the disc, bones, and cartilage in the middle section of the spine begin to thin. This results in additional stress, friction, and reduced mobility, causing pain and discomfort in the middle section of the back.

This is common as one ages and can be managed with various treatments and medications as per the needs of the individual. Here is a quick guide to the causes, symptoms, and treatments for Thoracic Spondylosis.

What Causes Thoracic Spondylosis

Thoracic Spondylosis is a common illness as people age. It is a result of bones degenerating due to wear and tear age, and other factors. As mentioned earlier, it occurs when there is wear and tear of the discs and cartilages in the midsection of the spine.

Strenuous work-related factors such as heavy lifting, long hours of standing, poor posture, and compression on the back can also accelerate the condition and cause the bones to degenerate.

In some cases, a physical injury, or blunt force trauma from an accident can also accelerate the cause. Genetics may also play a role in its occurrence if there is a family history of thoracic spondylitis.

What Are the Symptoms of Thoracic Spondylosis

Symptoms of spondylosis of the thoracic spine are easy to spot and need medical interventions.

One of the earliest signs is fatigue and stiffness in the back. This can be followed by pain in the back, which can be a result of compression of the nerves due to disc-related injuries. Other symptoms include numbness in the region and pain in the lower and upper back.

Numbness and a tingling sensation in the legs in bursts can also be a sign of thoracic spondylosis or a larger concern with the discs in the spine. All of these require medical attention and need to be addressed to prevent the worsening of the condition.

What Are the Best Treatment Options for Thoracic Spondylosis

There are several treatment options for Thoracic spine pain. While there are medical interventions that are possible such as surgery and medication, there are options such as physiotherapy and chiropractic care that can be availed.

In medical interventions, surgery of the discs is possible where the injured disc is operated on to relieve the pressure on the nerves. Other options are to operate on the nerves to release the pressure and restore function. Pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs can also be sued depending on the intensity of the pain.

Back braces can also be used, to provide support and reduce the stress on the pain.

Physical therapy can also be used to treat the condition. Flexing, exercises, and massages can help increase nerve function, and reduce inflammation in the joints. Heat and cold therapy is also an effective treatment for it.

Chiropractic care can also be effective in releasing pressure in the joints and aiding faster recovery.

Chiropractic Care as a Preventive Care for Thoracic Spondylosis

 Chiropractic care allows the treatment of the spine and the muscles around it. It aims at readjusting joints and spinal cord postures. This allows the reduction in pain in the region and improves flexibility of the joints which can have a positive impact on the bones.

They treat muscle pains and other concerns of the spine and joints, which helps improve movement, speed up recovery, and reduce the need for medication. Their extensive knowledge of the functioning of the spine and the nervous system helps them understand the illness better and help treat it efficiently.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is thoracic spondylosis painful?

Thoracic spondylosis can get painful as it progresses. It starts with mild pain in the midsection of the back and can get worse. It can however be reduced through the right medication and other forms of treatment available.

How is thoracic spondylosis treated?

Thoracic treatment includes medication, surgery, physiotherapy, and chiropractic care. Exercise and lifestyle changes can also help reduce the intensity of the condition.

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