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Muscle Cramps: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment | Pysiotattva

Muscle cramps are sudden and involuntary contractions or spasms of the muscle in various parts of your body. They are common and can occur at any time or age. There can be several reasons for its cause. It cannot be prevented, but the frequency of such cramps can be managed. 

Muscle cramps can also be treated with medication, physiotherapy, and other care forms. Read on to know more about it.

Understanding Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps occur when there is an involuntary contraction of the muscles, and the muscles do not return to their normal position. It stays “cramped,” resulting in severe pain as it affects the muscles and the nerves near it. It can also hamper mobility as the muscles can no longer function properly.

While, in most cases, it can be a result of stress or shock, there can be underlying problems to it. 

What Are the Causes of Muscle Cramps?

One of the most common causes of muscle cramps is overuse of them. When there is added stress on the muscles, it can result in contracting, causing a cramp. Compression of the nerves in the spine or near the cramped area can also cause cramps as it fails to communicate normal functioning.

Dehydration is another common cause of cramps, as a lack of electrolytes in the body to conduct nervous system functioning causes muscle cramps.

Other reasons are restricted blood flow, high-intensity exercise, and lack of rest for the muscles affected due to strenuous activities.

What Are the Symptoms of Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps symptoms also help understand the intensity of muscle cramps to a considerable extent. Some of the common muscle cramps symptoms are as follows.

To begin with, muscle cramps symptoms feel like a cramp. It can be a shooting pain, depending on the intensity which contracts the muscle. Causes of muscle cramps are often followed by involuntary movement of the nearby joints to respond to the pain.

Muscle twitching, stiffness in the muscles, and pain are other symptoms of a cramp. The pain can range from a dull throb to intensive pain that leaves you immobile. It is advisable to visit a doctor to understand the condition better if it is a frequent occurrence.

Muscle Cramp Diagnosis

The healthcare provider will run a few diagnostic tests, scans, and physical examinations to determine the condition.

The professional may inquire about the history of the cramp, its frequency, and its intensity. A physical examination that involves contact stretching and performing a few activities can help determine the condition.

Also, if needed, the doctor can suggest diagnostic imaging such as X-Ray and CT scans to locate the cramp and check for any muscle injuries.

Options for Muscle Cramps Treatment

In most cases, following the RICE method can be effective. Rest, ice, compression, and elevation can effectively relax the muscles and provide comfort. Muscle cramps treatment can help improve the condition and reduce pain and inflammation.

Other treatments can be medication, where muscle relaxants can be prescribed by a trained professional. Muscle cramps treatment can stimulate the cramp to release. Painkillers can also help manage the pain and reduce the cramps.

Drinking an oral rehydration solution can help manage cramps as it helps reduce electrolyte imbalance. Other effective treatments are massages and physiotherapy to help strengthen the muscle and avoid such issues.

How to Prevent Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps are not avoidable; how were the frequency be reduced, and to a large extent, such cramps be prevented? 

It is important to give ample exercises that warm up the muscles for vigorous physical activity. Muscle cramps treatment is important as it reduces stiffness and strengthens the muscles. It is also essential to ensure variations in the movements of the muscles, which can help prevent the condition.

Other preventive measures are using appropriate aid while performing tasks and ensuring to be hydrated well. Besides these, it is essential to strengthening your body's muscles through gentle exercises so that the muscles are not vulnerable to stress.

It is also advisable not to engage in strenuous activities in hot weather as it can result in quicker dehydration that can impact the muscle.

Get Rid of Muscle Cramps With Physiotattva

Muscle cramps can be excruciating and discomforting. It can happen at any time and can hamper critical physical activities. This can be stressful and frustrating.

We are Physiotattva, and we can help you manage your cramps effectively by offering a detailed medical condition history and possible treatment plans. Our teams are equipped to treat the condition in the short and long term.

Our physiotherapists can help you better understand the condition and chart a treatment plan to strengthen your muscles and provide holistic care.

Drop us an email or a message today to learn more!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you relieve muscle cramps?

In most cases, muscle cramps reduce with time. However, you can relieve it by stretching activities, drinking fluids, and offering heat and cold therapy to the injured areas.

Pain relaxants and ointments can also be applied to the area to relieve muscle cramps.

What do muscle cramps feel like?

Muscle cramps can range from feeling like a buzzing sensation in the region to an excruciatingly sharp jab. This quick burst of intense pain can result in other parts of your body reacting to it, resulting in pain and loss of balance. Sometimes, it can be a dull throbbing pain that intensifies when the muscles are engaged.

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