Understanding Active Range of Motion Exercises Therapy

What Are Active Range of Motion Exercise

Active range of motion refers to the joints' and muscles' ability to improve and function effectively. It is achieved when opposing muscles contract & relax, which results in joint movement. It refers to the condition when the body can reach its full range of flexible and pain-free motions.

Active range of motion exercises therapy is when exercises are included in the recovery and rehabilitation program that aims at achieving an active range of motion in various joints and muscles. It aims to improve the joints' functionality, reduce pain and the risk of further injury, and ensure a smooth and effective rehabilitation process.

Essential Things You Should Know About Active Range of Motion

An active range of motion helps you understand the condition of your body well. It gives you an idea of the range of activities possible and ways to achieve them. Here are a few tips to keep in your mind when practicing it.

  • Following the doctor's suggestions and exercises is essential as they offer specific recovery plans. Range of motion exercises are vast and must be performed only as per the requirement.
  • Ensure to perform the suggested exercises over some time consistently. This ensures no lapse in recovery and helps achieve long-term glows.
  • Always perform the exercises in a slow, gentle and smooth manner to avoid any further injury. This will help reduce damage or wrong form while performing the exciters.
  • Stop if you feel pain or think the condition is worsening.

Benefits of Active Range of Motion Exercise 

Active range of motion exercises has several benefits that help strengthen muscles and joints and improve mobility. It also enables you to perform activities of your daily life with ease. Here are some practical exercises.

The Top Active Range of Motion Exercises for Upper Body 

To perform these exercises, sit or stand in a comfortable position with your face forward. Relax your shoulders post this.

Head Exercises

This set of exercises will help you improve your posture, reduce tension in the neck region, and can help you feel more relaxed.

Head Forward and Backward Movement

In this simple exercise, bring your chin close to your chest by moving your head towards it and holding the position for a few seconds. Now, go back to the resting place, slowly move your head up, and look at the ceiling. This helps strengthen your neck.

Head Side-to-Side Movement

In this exercise, tilt your head towards one side, bringing the ear to one side of the shoulder. Hold the position for a few seconds, and then repeat on the other side. It is essential to do this gently.

Head Turns

Turn the head towards the shoulder, and try to touch the shoulder with your chin without lifting the shoulder. Head Turns help strengthen the neck muscles and reduce stiffness.

Shoulder and Elbow Exercises

Shoulder and elbow exercise help reduce tension in the elbows and shoulders. People who often engage in monotonous activities or work that requires a lot of effort from their shoulders and elbows can perform this. It can also help improve posture, rescue neck pain, and help reduce fatigue.

To perform this set of exercises:

  • Sit or Stand on an armless chair.
  • Hold the arms straight down by the side
  • Palms facing towards the body.

Shoulder Up and Down Movement

This is a simple exercise where you bring one arm forward and upwards till the inner arms touch your ear. Now lower the arm and repeat with the other hand. This helps increase mobility in the shoulder and strengthen the muscle in the arms and upper back.

Shoulder Side-to-Side Movement

This is a two-part exercise, where you bring your arms from the side up towards your head and raise them. After lowering the arm, get the arm in front of your body and reach your opposite shoulder. This creates a two-way stretching of the shoulder joints and improves flexibility. Repeat with another component.

Shoulder Rotation

To perform this exercise:

  1. Bring your shoulders to your ears.
  2. Lower them and pull them back.
  3. In a smooth circular motion, rotate your shoulders a few times in a clockwise and anticlockwise direction.

Elbow Bends

Face your palms forward and bend the elbow. Now try to reach your shoulder with your fingers. Repeat.

Arm and Wrist Exercises

Arms and wrist exercises help improve mobility in the arm and elbows and help strengthen the wrist from injury and wear and tear from frequent uses.

To perform these exercises:

  • Sit down on the floor.
  • Bend your elbow and rest the forearm on a flat surface like a table.
  • Ensure to keep your wrists loose and free

Wrist Bends

Bend the hand towards the wrist where the fingers are facing the ceiling. After this, bend your hand down where your fingers meet the floor.

Wrist Rotation

Move the wrist side to side a few times. After this, moving the wrist is a circulation action clockwise and anticlockwise for a few times.

Palm Up and Down Movement

Tuck your elbows to your side and make your palm face down. Turn the palm of your hands towards the ceiling. Repeat a few times until comfortable.

Hand and Finger Exercises

These sets of exercises help increase mobility and strengthen your hands.

To perform them, follow these steps:

  • You can either sit or stand
  • Place your hand in front

Finger Bends

This is an easy-to-perform exercise, where all you need to do is make a tight fist, open and relax your hand. Repeat this several times.

Finger Spreads

In this exercise, open your fingers as wide as possible and close them. Repeat a few times.

Finger-to-thumb Touches

A meditative practice as well; all you need to do is touch each finger to your thumb. Repeat a few times.

Thumb-to-palm Movement

In this exercise, move the thumb and rest it on the palm of your hand. Repeat a few times.

Top Active Range of Motion Exercises for Lower Body

In this section, you can find easy exercises for improving the active range of motions in the lower body.

Hip and Knee Exercises

It is recommended that you lie down in a comfortable position to perform these exercises.

Hip and Knee Bends

Pull your knees towards your chest as gently as you can with each leg. Repeat a few times.

Leg Lifts

Lift each leg alternatingly to a comfortable 30-degree angle while lying down. As you progress, you can also try lifting both legs simultaneously.

Leg Side-to-Side Movement

Lift your leg with your feet straight. Now move it to your side in the air. Lower it after a few seconds and repeat with the other leg.

Knee Rotation In and Out

Lie on your back, and keep your feet flat. Now move your heels towards your buttocks until comfortable and extend them back again. Repeat a few times.

Ankle and Foot Exercises

This set of exercises helps you improve your motions in the ankle and foot regions.

To perform these exercises, you need to :

  • Sit on a chair
  • Keep your feet on the floor.

Ankle Bends

Keep your feet on the ground; raise your heel only. Low lower the heel, raise the toes alone, then alternate between the feet and the actions a few times.

Ankle Rotation

Move the ankles in a circular motion, clockwise and anticlockwise, by lifting them in the air while the toes are on the ground.

Toe Bend

Curl your toes upwards and downwards, keeping your feet on the ground. Repeat a few times.

Toe Spread

Keep your feet on the ground, spread your toes and relax them. Repeat a few times

Keep Your Body Moving With Physiotattva

Our teams at Physiotattva have highly trained professionals with experience in the healthcare sector for over two decades. Their expertise in understanding the human body's needs allows them to provide detailed insight into efficient ways of improving the active range of motions in the human body.

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